If You’re Not Receiving Any Tips on Ko-fi, Try This!

It’s Time to Make Something Happen.

Owen Coffey
3 min readOct 26, 2022

We’ve all gotten to know about Ko-fi one way or another and for some of us who can’t be part of the Partner Program, Ko-fi is the rocking chair we can fall back on in hope of getting rewarded for our articles.

However, readers are not always the most generous people but on your part you could appeal to their generosity by some compelling techniques which I will be sharing in this article.

Disclaimer: Some links in this article may fetch some amount of income to the writer at no extra cost to you.

1. Disguised Tips

Disguised tips is kinda like a situation where you offer your readers gifts, which usually cost you absolutely nothing, in exchange for a tip.

Such gifts could include shout-outs on social media, few minutes of video call with you or if you’re an artist, a free digital copy of your work. Whatever it is make sure it will give your audience a reason to want to tip you.

Disguised tips if done right could attract a lot because research shows that people are more willing to give out their money for something, no matter how minute the value is, than to get nothing at all.

2. Ask for Specific Amounts of Tips.

It helps to state the amount people can donate to you for a start. Giving a straight call-to-tip like: “Donate to me to support my articles!” isn’t always the best idea.

If you accept a dollar and above, it would be a nice idea to include it in your article. So your audience can know if their tips would be acceptable.

It would be annoying for your reader to click your link just to find out their donation is not up to what is required.

3. Try Using Buttons to Ask for Tips

Trust me on this; any reader would prefer clicking on a nice button to tip you than an embedded link in a text. The problem would be that Medium doesn’t support embedding links in images from the app and if you don’t have a PC or at least have access to one, you won’t be able to access this feature.

Ko-fi provides with donation and tipping buttons and if you have a site where you can customize your code, you could also embed animated buttons to attract your audience to donate.

4. Tell Your Audience what Cause Their Donations Are Being Used for

Whether it’s to support your Medium subscription or to get you a new laptop or even if it is to support needy children in Africa, your audience deserve to know where their money is getting into.


From the looks of it Medium’s Partner Program isn’t going to change it’s policies anytime soon so I’m guessing you’ll just have to learn the ropes with Ko-fi and who knows you may just start earning more than you ever could on Medium.

After all, a lot of bloggers, YouTube creators, artists, musicians are earning thousands of dollars on Ko-fi and BMC.

Did you enjoy the article? Tell me what you think in the comments.

👉 Support my articles and Medium membership when you leave a tip (starting at $3) on my Ko-fi Page. Here’s the link https://ko-fi.com/coffeywriter.



Owen Coffey

Startup writer | Student of "the art of black and white communication" | I write about Writing Hacks, Life, Income and other new stuff I find out everyday.