What We Really Need Now is a Smile

Despite the chaos in the world today is there really a cause to smile, to tell a joke?

Owen Coffey
2 min readOct 28, 2022

“A Smile is Happiness that You’ll Find Right under Your Nose — A Really Wise Person.”

I recently followed the topic humor on Medium. Why? Not because I’m thinking of making it my new writing niche nor was it because I got fed up with the same theme of articles everyday but because I needed a good laugh.

Few years ago, I wouldn’t have believed that the world would be in such a striking situation that a smile wouldn’t even be contagious anymore.

However, with situations like climate change, energy and economic crisis resulting from wars and some undefined actions; it has become increasingly important to find something to smile about.

From my point of view, a lot of things ought to make us happy. I wake up everyday to a lovely family and I’m immensely grateful to God for that. Looking into the newspaper under the comic section, even though they’re not always appealing to my funny bone, I try to reinvent them in my head just to have a reason to chuckle at least.

We can’t deny how vulnerable we as the human race are in relation to the occurrences around the world today however we should never let that pull us down we should rise together and build what we destroyed. It could all start today with a smile or a hearty laugh (can’t remember the last time I had one).

I am starting up a #MakeSomeoneSmile challenge back at home. Every morning I wake up, I’ll try to make it count, I’ll try to put a smile on Gramma’s face.



Owen Coffey

Startup writer | Student of "the art of black and white communication" | I write about Writing Hacks, Life, Income and other new stuff I find out everyday.