Why Are Curated Articles on Medium so Boring?

What the Heck! Their so many other great interesting articles and they choose that?

Owen Coffey
2 min readOct 26, 2022

Have you ever noticed that most curated articles are so boring?

They’re filled up with big words that give me a huge headache everytime I try to read them. I wonder how those writers manage to be so boring, so easily!

At first, I thought the Medium team were a bunch of robots who enjoyed feeding on big words. So getting curated was just a matter of giving the Medium 'robot' team a balanced meal.

I guess I was kinda right because I later found out that the Medium algorithm is also in charge of choosing the articles that get curated and those that do not.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not taking anything away from those writers. They’re incredibly talented in what they do but I feel curated articles shouldn’t be the most high class articles but articles that easily communicate with an audience.

I was reading an article yesterday, I think the title was “Why Does Everything Look the Same?” That was a lovely title by the way. For once, I was compelled to read a curated article. The first few paragraphs of the 11-minute article threw me totally of balance.

Again another decorated circle of boooring. What happened to all those articles by Kristina God, JL Matthews and those other writers. I feel using an algorithm to choose curated article is less practical.

That’s all I have to say. I’m so sorry if I offended anyone with this article but I just had to say it. Curated articles should be more inviting.

Thank you!



Owen Coffey

Startup writer | Student of "the art of black and white communication" | I write about Writing Hacks, Life, Income and other new stuff I find out everyday.